

このたび、(財)精神・神経科学振興財団の招聘で来日された英国Cardiff大学心理学部のDale Hay先生をお迎えして合同セミナーを実施いたします。国立精神・神経センター精神保健研究所の神尾陽子先生、石川文子先生にもご参加いただきます。向社会的行動の初期発達について議論が深まりますよう、多数のご参加をお待ちしております。

●話題提供者:Dale Hay氏(英国Cardiff大学心理学部教授)
●演題:The Early Development of Prosocial Behaviour
●要旨:In common wisdom, infants and very young children are thought to be naturally aggressive, only developing the capacity for prosocial behaviour over the childhood years. However, since the 1930s, observational studies of children under the age of three have drawn attention to early forms of sharing, cooperation and sympathy. I will present a developmental model that focuses attention on three domains of prosocial development: feeling for others (empathy), working with others (sharing resources, instrumental helping, and cooperation) and ministering to others (caregiving, nurturance, and responses to illness and distress). I will then present evidence for the early origins of behaviours in each domain, the consolidation of individual differences within domains, and the emergence of sex differences. I will then present evidence for links between childhood disorders and prosocial behaviour; children with ADHD may have specific deficits in the prosocial realm, whereas some children with anxiety disorders may actually have relatively high levels of prosocial behaviour.